1,224 research outputs found

    Team Cohesion Profiles: Influence on the Development of Mental Skills and Stress Management

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    High-level sports competitions involve facing highly challenging situations. Athletes must maintain strong team cohesion with peers, have specific mental abilities, and high-stress control to overcome adversity and report high sports performance. This research aimed to identify team cohesion profiles and examine whether participants differed significantly in their mental abilities and stress management. The sample consisted of 146 promising and talented athletes from the Sports Talent Development of the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa (Spain) (Mage = 20.08; SD = 4.68), who completed the questionnaire on Psychological Characteristics Related to Sports Performance (CPRD). Cluster ana-lyzes revealed three profiles; (a) profile with low team cohesion; (b) profile with average team cohesion; (c) profile with high team cohesion. Results showed significant differences in mental abilities (i.e., positive self-talk), and marginally significant differences in self-confidence, between the profiles. The best scores were re-ported in profile (b). In conclusion, the combination of low indi-vidualism, high social cohesion, and medium team spirit seems to be the most recommendable for promoting mental abilities and self-confidence in athletes' samples. As practical implications, the programs that train the mental abilities of athletes and control management should consider the importance of team cohesion to obtain improvements in the results of the competitions

    Las Mujeres marroquíes en Cataluña: entre la transgresión y el cambio

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    Aquesta comunicació és el resultat d?un treball de recerca que es va dur a terme per a l?assignatura d?estructura i canvi social, que tenia com a objectiu observar els canvis de rols de gènere produïts en les dones immigrades marroquines un cop havien arribat a Catalunya. D?aquesta manera es pretenia relacionar aquests canvis amb unes estratègies específiques d?inserció cultural i social en la societat receptora i estudiar quins factors influeixen en aquestes estratègies, distingint entre els factors que es donen en la societat d?origen (condicions objectives de vida de les dones marroquines, projectes vitals i projectes migratoris) i els que es donen en la societat receptora (situació jurídica, laboral, relacional).This communication is the result of research performed for the Social Structures and Changes subject and which sought to observe changes in gender roles that take place in Moroccan women once they have immigrated to Catalonia. The aim was to relate these changes to specific cultural and social insertion strategies in the host society and study what factors impact these strategies, distinguishing between factors that occur in the source society (objective living conditions of Moroccan women, life projects and migratory projects) and those arising in the host society (legal, occupational, relational situation).Esta comunicación es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación que se llevó a cabo para la asignatura de estructura y cambio social y que tenía como objeto observar los cambios de roles de género producidos en las mujeres inmigradas marroquíes una vez llegadas a Cataluña. De este modo se pretendía relacionar dichos cambios con unas estrategias específicas de inserción cultural y social en la sociedad receptora y estudiar qué factores influyen en dichas estrategias, distinguiendo entre aquellos factores que se dan en la sociedad de origen (condiciones objetivas de vida de las mujeres marroquíes, proyectos vitales y proyectos migratorios) y los que se dan en la sociedad receptora (situación jurídica, laboral, relacional)

    El Reto de la Equidad en las Políticas Sanitarias Dirigidas al Pueblo Gitano en España

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    En este artículo abordamos la contribución de la psicología comunitaria en la formulación de políticas de salud pública transformadoras dirigidas al pueblo gitano. La brecha en salud entre la minoría gitana y el resto de la población en Europa, ha conducido a la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones a implementar el proyecto Equi-Health. Su finalidad es redefinir las políticas de salud dirigidas al pueblo gitano desde los principios de equidad y justicia social. En España, esto ha supuesto un proceso iterativo de cuatro fases: (1) encuadrar el problema, (2) construir capacidad de colaboración entre los agentes; (3) desarrollar conocimiento compartido, y (4) planificar acciones y fortalecer compromisos futuros. Las lecciones aprendidas de esta experiencia permiten: (1) visibilizar las fortalezas de la psicología comunitaria en la innovación de políticas de salud; (2) crear conciencia sobre nuestro compromiso con los grupos oprimidos, y (3) responder científicamente a la gobernanza de la salud.   In this paper we address the contribution of the community psychology to the formulation of transformative public health policies for the Roma. The gap in health between the Roma and the rest of population in Europe has led the International Organization for Migration to implement the Equi-Health Project. Its aim is to redefine public health policies addressed to the Roma from the values of equity and social justice. In Spain, it has entailed an iterative four stage process: (1) to frame the problem, (2) to build collaborative capacity among stakeholders; (3) to develop shared understanding, and (4) to plan future actions and strengthen commitments. The lessons learned from this experience allow to: (1) make the strengths of community psychology visible for the innovation of public health policies; (2) raise awareness of our commitment with oppressed groups; and (3) scientifically respond to governance for health

    El Reto de la Equidad en las Políticas Sanitarias Dirigidas al Pueblo Gitano en España

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    En este artículo abordamos la contribución de la psicología comunitaria en la formulación de políticas de salud pública transformadoras dirigidas al pueblo gitano. La brecha en salud entre la minoría gitana y el resto de la población en Europa, ha conducido a la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones a implementar el proyecto Equi-Health. Su finalidad es redefinir las políticas de salud dirigidas al pueblo gitano desde los principios de equidad y justicia social. En España, esto ha supuesto un proceso iterativo de cuatro fases: (1) encuadrar el problema, (2) construir capacidad de colaboración entre los agentes; (3) desarrollar conocimiento compartido, y (4) planificar acciones y fortalecer compromisos futuros. Las lecciones aprendidas de esta experiencia permiten: (1) visibilizar las fortalezas de la psicología comunitaria en la innovación de políticas de salud; (2) crear conciencia sobre nuestro compromiso con los grupos oprimidos, y (3) responder científicamente a la gobernanza de la salud.   In this paper we address the contribution of the community psychology to the formulation of transformative public health policies for the Roma. The gap in health between the Roma and the rest of population in Europe has led the International Organization for Migration to implement the Equi-Health Project. Its aim is to redefine public health policies addressed to the Roma from the values of equity and social justice. In Spain, it has entailed an iterative four stage process: (1) to frame the problem, (2) to build collaborative capacity among stakeholders; (3) to develop shared understanding, and (4) to plan future actions and strengthen commitments. The lessons learned from this experience allow to: (1) make the strengths of community psychology visible for the innovation of public health policies; (2) raise awareness of our commitment with oppressed groups; and (3) scientifically respond to governance for health

    Sexual and reproductive health in Roma women: the family planning programme of Polígono Sur in Seville (Spain)

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    Objetivo: Describir los desafíos, recursos y estrategias del equipo de planificación familiar del Centro de Salud Polígono Sur de Sevilla en su atención a mujeres gitanas. Método: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo en el que se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad y grupos de discusión con todas las profesionales del programa, así como una revisión documental de este. La información fue analizada a partir del Roma Health Integration Policy Index, una herramienta que evalúa la titularidad, accesibilidad, sensibilidad y capacidad de cambio de los programas de salud para población gitana. Resultados: Las profesionales encuentran numerosos desafíos para implementar el programa de planificación familiar con mujeres gitanas debido a las características de las usuarias, así como a la baja sensibilidad del programa hacia ellas. La ausencia de actuaciones específicas para mujeres gitanas dentro del programa de planificación familiar establecido por el distrito sanitario obliga a las profesionales a desarrollar adaptaciones y estrategias que aseguren servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva de calidad para sus usuarias. Conclusión: Es necesario adaptar los programas de salud sexual y reproductiva dirigidos a mujeres gitanas a partir de: a) la detección, evaluación, sistematización y difusión de buenas prácticas; b) el desarrollo de actuaciones que contemplen las múltiples vulnerabilidades de esta población; c) el reconocimiento de profesionales que aboguen por la salud de estas mujeres dentro de sus organizaciones; y d) la promoción de la justicia reproductiva como fin último de estos programas.Objective: To describe the challenges, resources and strategies of the staff of the family planning programme of the Polígono Sur Healthcare Centre in Seville (Spain) in their care of Roma women. Method: This is a descriptive study in which in-depth interviews and discussion groups were held with all programme professionals, including a documentary review of the programme. The information was analyzed based on the Roma Health Integration Policy Index, a tool that evaluates the entitlement, accessibility, sensitivity and capacity for change of health programmes for the Roma population. Results: Theprofessionals encounteredmultiple challenges to implementthe familyplanningprogramme with Roma women due to the characteristics of the users and the low sensitivity of the programme towards them. The absence of specific actions for Roma women within the family planning programme, agreed to by the healthcare district, obliges professionals to develop adaptations and strategies to ensure quality sexual and reproductive health services for their users. Conclusions: Itisnecessary to adapt sexual andreproductivehealthprogrammes targetedatRoma women by (a) detecting, evaluating, systematizing and disseminating good practices, (b) developing actions that address the multiple vulnerabilities of Roma women, (c) acknowledging professionals who advocate for the health of these women within their organizations, and (d) promoting reproductive justice as the goal of these programmes.Organización Internacional para las Migraciones por la DG de Salud y Consumidores de la Comisión EuropeaAgencia Ejecutiva de Consumidores, Salud, Agricultura y Alimentació

    Construcciones de infinitivo y semántica argumentativa

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    Neste trabalho, analisamos distintas construções nominais de infinitivo em espanhol para mostrar a existência dos falsos infinitivos (Varela, 1979; Hernanz, 1999) que, como os dizeres e os seres, aceitam pluralização e entram em todas as construções nominais dos substantivos ordinários. Reconhecemos dois tipos: os falsos infinitivos de tipo A, próximos às nominalizações dos verbos dos quais derivam, e os falsos infinitivos de tipo B, cujos sentidos parecem mais distantes do verbo de base. No quadro da Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos, explicamos essa diferença e a aparente maior distância semântica que existe entre os falsos infinitivos tipo B e os verbos dos quais eles derivam. Finalmente e para poder fornecer uma explicação da escassa produtividade dos falsos infinitivos, propomos relacionálos com a aspectualidade: somente os verbos que contêm o traço homogeneidade/propriedade (como os estativos puros ou as atividades) podem desenvolver falsos infinitivos. Concluímos que as construções de infinitivo representam um espaço interessante de pesquisa que demonstra, por um lado, a capacidade explicativa da TBS enquanto teoria semântica léxica e que, por outro lado, permite esclarecer os alcances das noções relativas à aspectualidade semântica

    A 16-week multicomponent exercise training program improves menopause-related symptoms in middle-aged women. The FLAMENCO project randomized control trial

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    Abstract Objective: To investigate the influence of a supervised multicomponent exercise training program on menopause-related symptoms, particularly vasomotor symptoms (VMS), in middle-aged women. Methods: A total of 112 middle-aged women (mean age 52 4 y old, age range 45-60 y) from the FLAMENCO project (exercise [n ¼ 59] and counseling [n ¼ 53] groups) participated in this randomized controlled trial (perprotocol basis). The exercise group followed a multicomponent exercise program composed of 60-minute sessions 3 days per week for 16 weeks. The 15-item Cervantes Menopause and Health Subscale was used to assess the frequency of menopause-related symptoms. Results: After adjusting for body mass index and Mediterranean diet adherence, the subscales measuring menopause-related symptoms and VMSs decreased 4.6 more in the exercise group compared to the counseling group (between-group differences [B]: 95% CI: -8.8 to -0.2; P ¼ 0.040). The exercise group also showed significant improvements in the subscales of couple relationships (between-group differences [B]: -1.87: 95% CI: -3.29 to - 0.45; P ¼ 0.010), psychological state (between-group differences [B]: -2.3: 95% CI: -5 to -0.2; P ¼ 0.035), and VMSs (between-group differences [B]: -4.5: 95% CI: -8.8 to -0.2; p ¼ 0.040) in the Cervantes Menopause and Health Subscale compared with the counseling group. Conclusions: A 16-week multicomponent physical exercise program showed a positive effect on menopauserelated symptoms especially in couple relationships, psychological state, and VMS, among 45 to 60 year old women

    Coagulación intravascular diseminada como forma de presentación de leucemia aguda promielocítica: evaluación y tratamiento

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    Presentamos el caso de un varón de 29 años ingresado en nuestro centro por hematuriamacroscópica, coagulopatía y leucotrombopenia. Se estableció el diagnóstico inicial de coagulación intravascular diseminada (CID) aguda. El proceso diagnóstico para definir la causa de la CID confirmó la existencia de una Leucemia Promielocítica Aguda (LPA). La coagulopatía asociada a LPA es compleja, con datos biológicos de CID e hiperfibrinolisis primaria. Esta coagulopatía se asocia con hemorragias y se observa en el momento del diagnóstico, agravándose con la quimioterapia antileucémica. Constituye una emergencia médica, con una mortalidad cercana al 10% si no se maneja de forma adecuada. Actualmente, la LPA se trata con agentes no citotóxicos como el Ácido Transretinoico (ATRA) y el Trióxido de Arsénico (ATO), con una disminución de las tasas de sangrado. Por lo que un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de la coagulopatía suponen un aumento de la supervivencia en estos pacientes.We present the case of a 29-year-old man admitted to our center for hematuria with coagulopathy, mild leukopenia and moderate thrombopenia. A diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) secondary to Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) was made. Bleeding episodes due to DIC are one of the main causes of mortality at diagnosis in patients with APL. Currently there are lines of treatment with Arsenic Trioxide (ATO) and trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) that have replaced conventional chemotherapy regimens, with a decrease in bleeding rates. Therefore, an early diagnosis and treatment of DIC entails an increase in survival in these patients

    Differential expression of circulating miRNAs as a novel tool to assess BAG3-associated familial dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    A new familial dilated cardiomyopathy (FDCM) was found related to mutations in BAG3 gene. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent new targets of FDCM, although no studies have assessed clinical association between Bcl2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3)-related DCM and miRNAs. Here, we studied whether a clinical association between BAG3-related FDCM and circulating miRNAs may have diagnostic and prognostic value in a small cohort of familial related individuals carrying a BAG3 mutation (BAG3+) and/or diagnosed of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (DCM+). The analysis of 1759 circulating miRNAs showed significant differences between BAG3+ and BAG3- individuals for miRNAs mir-3191-3p, 6769b-3p, 1249-ep, 154-5p, 6855-5p, and 182-5p, while comparisons between BAG3+/DCM+ versus BAG3+/DCM- were restricted to miRNAs mir-154-5p, 6885-5p, and 182-5p, showing significant correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, A wave, left atrium length, and left atrium area. Additionally, when stratified by gender and age, miRNAs were statistically correlated with critical parameters, including left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and ventricular diameter, in women and young men. Likewise, 56% of BAG3+/DCM+, significantly co-expressed mir-154-5p and mir-182-5p, and a slight 4% did not express such combination, suggesting that co-expression of mir-154-5p and mir-182-5p may potentially show diagnostic value. Further studies will require long-term follow-up, and validation in larger populations.post-print729 K

    Yarrow supercritical extract exerts antitumoral properties by targeting lipid metabolism in pancreatic cancer

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Metabolic reprogramming is considered a hallmark of cancer. Currently, the altered lipid metabolism in cancer is a topic of interest due to the prominent role of lipids regulating the progression of various types of tumors. Lipids and lipid-derived molecules have been shown to activate growth regulatory pathways and to promote malignancy in pancreatic cancer. In a previous work, we have described the antitumoral properties of Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) CO 2 supercritical extract (Yarrow SFE) in pancreatic cancer. Herein, we aim to investigate the underlaying molecular mechanisms by which Yarrow SFE induces cytotoxicity in pancreatic cancer cells. Yarrow SFE downregulates SREBF1 and downstream molecular targets of this transcription factor, such as fatty acid synthase (FASN) and stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD). Importantly, we demonstrate the in vivo effect of Yarrow SFE diminishing the tumor growth in a xenograft mouse model of pancreatic cancer. Our data suggest that Yarrow SFE can be proposed as a complementary adjuvant or nutritional supplement in pancreatic cancer therapyThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (MINECO, Plan Nacional I+D+i AGL2013-48943-C2 and AGL2016-76736-C3), Gobierno regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/ABI-2728, ALIBIRD-CM) and EU Structural Funds. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscri